Saturday, January 29, 2011

Finally Some Snow!

Following last year's many "thumpings" with snow (67.5" for the winter), "thumpings" at least for Northern Virginia, it had seemed until last Tuesday that winter, save for the constant cold weather, would pass us by this year.  Snow, and healthy amounts of snow, was either to our north or our south and sometimes on both sides with our being stuck in a dry hole up until Tuesday.  Finally on Tuesday we received some snow but a heavy, wet snow.  We experienced a little over 6" in something less than 5 hours time.  It came in a hurry, fell in a hurry, and left in a hurry.  Last year our magnolia tree was denuded of its lower branches on one side and now it's starting on the other side.  If we suffer a serious freezing rain event this winter we may have only a "telephone pole" where the tree once stood.  Last year the cedar trees took a beating and the weight of Tuesday's snow was heavy but the Cedars seem to have withstood the event.  The 6" plus on Tuesday exceeds the total accumulation previously this winter and certainly was a pleasing sight.  If this is all the snow for the year I may have to remind myself of last year with a recap and accompanying pics.
The camera and I didn't make it into the yard until Wednesday afternoon and the pics show a glimpse of the weight on the branches.  The night before we had given some relief to the trees with gentle broom swipes so the pics fail to show the "full weight."

One of the sideyard cedars

A backyard cedar with some warmth from the snow and ivy

One of the remaining lower magnolia branches

...til later...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Anticipating February?

With the "Hot Stove League" quiet and with "Spring Training" so close at hand, it's not unusual to begin preparation for the season ahead.  Sometimes those preparations seem most unusual.  Oh well, if it has anything to do with baseball, it's alright with me.  Go get 'em Cameron and Samantha!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"The Tree"

Sometimes a few of our favorite places or things cause others to scratch their heads in bewilderment. Nevertheless, Manassas National Battlefield (Bull Run) has been a favorite haunt as has a lonely dogwood tree that stands on the grounds and which has suffered over recent years with withering branches and fewer and fewer blooms. Basically left ignored by the Park Service in recent years the service has now made an effort to help the tree. We will see in time but the tree has been a friend and has been a quick visit on many occasions, either alone or with other friends. When Spring finally arrives we'll see if blossoms are more plentiful and the tree is any more healthy. The visits will continue.