Sunday, November 9, 2008


Today was one of those Fall days when the outdoors invites and you can't refuse.  The temperature hovered around 60 all afternoon and the sky was generally overcast with a peek from the sun every once in a while.   SNS and I headed to Bull Run and the Battlefield Park for an afternoon walk and found that many from western Fairfax County and Manassas had similar thoughts.  There were walkers, picnickers, and joggers all in numbers we had not seen before.  As we began the stroll we continually found ourselves standing aside for the joggers and we were surprised at how young some of them were.  One such youngster was trailing behind his jogging mother by about 30 feet while she was persistent in encouraging that he catch up.  Frankly, his "jog" was too animated to be of any effect and he truly looked like he belonged behind a joystick or TV; certainly not on a trail.  Thirty feet was not doing much for meaningful time together.  SNS and I were most content to walk.

This is a pic of Bull Run looking N.  Although there are leaves yet to fall, most of the color has vanished.  Having said that, this has been a most colorful Fall.  The colors along the run would have been better two weeks ago.

This pic is looking S toward the Stone Bridge.  The current is slow and the leaves are collecting before passing the bridge.

Although the pic may not be sufficiently clear it depicts the Park's policy of leaving everything in as natural a state as possible.  The only exception seems to be in clearing the paths from fallen trees.  The sides of the trails are lined with trees downed by storms and not all are recent casualties.  APS - where is your chain saw?

It took a while but after waiting and having been benefited by dwindling numbers the trail ahead of us cleared for a pic.  
The afternoon activity was another of the benefits in living in the Manassas area.  
"See" you soon.

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