Wednesday, November 11, 2009

...and Another Season Ends

As with the "big leagues" so also does T-Ball's season come to an end. Excitement at the last game brings on shenanigans...

...and a young lady has the final word.

An ad for the utility of Don's Johns?

An "old fashioned" knee slide. Mother always wondered why the holes in my pants' knees and the need for patches.

There's always jubilation in making an out as a defensive player.

A fan... (Aunt Nonie)

Kiera - on the third base line - thinking it's a runway? The ribbon bow courtesy of Aunt Samantha.

As with all good things, they must come to an end (at least for this year). The field is cleared, the other players are gone, the fans have left, and there remains only anticipation for the next year. Sadness but...

...til later.

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