Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Taste of Days In Between I (Feb 16)

For the missing days I've decided to simply give a "quick taste" with minimal explanation.   We'll elaborate when we return - which will be soon now.

The 16th was the day we left Tarmonbarry and travelled to Clonmacnoise and then to Galway.

Tarmonbarry  and the Shannon in the morning.

The Shannon in the morning.

The "Boutique" Hotel.

Clonmacnoise (the remains of the ancient ecclesiastical site, south of Athlone, founded in 548 by St. Ciaran) showing the Temple Connor and a portion of the graveyard.

The Cathedral.

Temple Ciaran and the reputed burial place of the Saint.  

Sheila walking the grounds of Clonmacnoise.

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