It's been a cool winter but we did not experience any sustained cold until mid-January. The sustained cold provided the opportunity to visit Bull Run with Kiera when the ice was thickening but not yet thick enough for steps. Nevertheless, Bull Run is a favorite visit and an inviting backdrop for pics. This pic is looking west at the Stone Bridge. You will see again in this pic, as well as in others, that there is no effort to clear tree trunks, branches, or fallen trees from the run or from the park unless they hinder movement on a path. If you enlarge the bridge pic you will see a log that has come to rest against the bridge's foundation and which has been there for a while. It will be cleared only in a subsequent storm when washed downstream but it will not be cleared by park management.
Kiera is dressed for the weather and has brought her chipmunk along for company.
She took great pleasure in throwing loose stones and small branches on the ice and watching them slide across the run. All the time she was clutching the chipmunk but relentless in her throwing. I'm not certain how I managed to pry her away from the throwing but I recall it wasn't easy.
Here is another pic of the run with the clutter and debris. Again, this is all in the name of leaving things as they are, naturally, avoiding "human intrusion." Of course, if you look carefully in the left center of the pic you will see a drain (manmade) emptying lowland drainage into the run. I scratched my head.
Another remnant of past flooding which has been left alone for years.
As we were leaving Kiera took a seat on some coping stone (Br term for Copestone - sandstone?) which was installed after Aaron had selected it and then ordered it as part of his responsibilities while working at the Manassas National Battlefield Park some years ago. Appropriate that Kiera would rest on it.
Hope you're having a happy winter season.
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